Malcolm Evans has been a professional cartoonist since the 60s. Approaching that milestone himself now, he tells everyone he's twenty eight and often behaves like someone half that age.


To buy an item simply email Evans Cartoons at In your message please include: The title of the book or, the date and the name of the archive of a cartoon. The city/town and country the item will be sent to.

Evans cartoons are available for release to any publisher after consultation with the cartoonist. To contact Malcolm Evans, email: In your message, please include the cartoon's date, and intended use. Note, originals and prints are available for sale.


12312010 - Aflab

12312010 - The Builder

11062010 - Jason Christian

09082010 - Fathers day

09082010 - Andy Lowe

09082010 - Fiona Knight and Family

07092010 - Andy Haden

07022010 - Greenhouse Gas

06172010 - Stu Bayly

06172010 - Th Family the Rows Together..

06112010 - Bill and Raewyn

06112010 - Buck

06112010 - Elsie

06112010 - Knight Family

06112010 - Garrick Tremain

06112010 - Gavin

06112010 - Thornie

06112010 - Joanne's Friend

06112010 - Lauren's Job

06112010 - Les Dobson

06112010 - Mac Lucas

06112010 - Nanna

06112010 - Rupert Murdoch

06112010 - Stu Bayly

06112010 - Willowmeade Joe

05032010 - Chris

03192010 - London Family

03192010 - Karen's Dad