Malcolm Evans has been a professional cartoonist since the 60s. Approaching that milestone himself now, he tells everyone he's twenty eight and often behaves like someone half that age.


To buy an item simply email Evans Cartoons at In your message please include: The title of the book or, the date and the name of the archive of a cartoon. The city/town and country the item will be sent to.

Evans cartoons are available for release to any publisher after consultation with the cartoonist. To contact Malcolm Evans, email: In your message, please include the cartoon's date, and intended use. Note, originals and prints are available for sale.

Political Affairs

05012013 - Youth Rates

04302013 - Mining The Answer

04292013 - Crossing The Red Line

04282013 - Banned Weapons

04282013 - Banned Weapons

04282013 - Where's my MaiMai

04262013 - Battlegrounds

04252013 - Anzac Day

04242013 - The X Factor

04232013 - Anzac Stamps

04222013 - The Polls

04192013 - Labour nad Greens Collaborate

04182013 - Same Sex marriage

04182013 - Combatting Terrorism

04172013 - Same Sex Bill Passed

04172013 - Thatcher Funeral

04172013 - Thatcher

04162013 - Boston Marathon Bombing

04162013 - WMDs

04132013 - North Korea

04122013 - Autumn

04122013 - Hospital Meals

04102013 - The Poloiceman'd Burden

04092013 - Margaret Thatcher Passes

04092013 - Thatcher at the Pearly Gates

04082013 - Shoulder Tapped

04072013 - Now You Show Me Yours

04052013 - Vietnam Afghanistan