Malcolm Evans has been a professional cartoonist since the 60s. Approaching that milestone himself now, he tells everyone he's twenty eight and often behaves like someone half that age.


To buy an item simply email Evans Cartoons at In your message please include: The title of the book or, the date and the name of the archive of a cartoon. The city/town and country the item will be sent to.

Evans cartoons are available for release to any publisher after consultation with the cartoonist. To contact Malcolm Evans, email: In your message, please include the cartoon's date, and intended use. Note, originals and prints are available for sale.

Edna Cartoons

04282014 - Traps

08072013 - Last Frame

07312013 - Party Pills

06262013 - Hair Dryer

06122013 - Annual Holidays

05142013 - Safety On The Farm

04282013 - The Maimai

04142013 - Make the Dollar Fall

03132013 - Fencing The Creek

02272013 - Peter jackson

02122013 - Horse Meat Sales

01302013 - Picking Up After The Dogs

01162013 - The Wife and I

12122012 - The Christmas Tree

11272012 - The Hobbit

10292012 - Anti Royal Manure

10292012 - Kicked the Tractor

10172012 - Human Waste

09252012 - Farm Stress

08282012 - Gay Marriage Bill

08122012 - Effluent Pond training

07252012 - Definitely Silver

07102012 - Transpower Land Grab

06272012 - TAF Gets Tick

05292012 - Getting to Fieldays

05212012 - Loading With Lead Shot

05072012 - New Effluent Tank

04272012 - Duck Shooting